How to Dispose of Biohazardous Waste

How to Dispose of Biohazardous Waste

How to Dispose of Biohazardous Waste

Proper management and disposal of medical waste is one of the major challenges faced by healthcare facilities. Biohazardous waste is one of the subcategories of medical waste, which can be defined as waste containing contaminated blood or fluids of humans or animals. It requires special attention by medical care providers and staff members because of the potential dangers to human beings, animals, and the environment when exposed to bio-hazardous waste.

If you run a medical facility in Michigan or manage bio-hazardous waste in a healthcare facility, partnering with professional companies that provide medical waste disposal in Michigan can help.


Why Biohazardous Waste Disposal is Necessary

There are many reasons why bio-hazardous waste disposal is necessary. First of all, it is important to ensure the safety of the employees working in a medical hospital, clinic, or any other such facility. Biohazardous waste contains biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other microorganisms that can impact health.

Secondly, bio-hazardous waste disposal without following the protocols can pollute the water resources, land, and air. This can endanger the lives of the human population and animals and can damage the environment.

Also, violating the laws can lead to a financial loss of thousands of dollars and other dire consequences for your facility.


How to Dispose of Biohazard Waste

There are generally four types of bio-hazardous waste that can be disposed of with the help of professional companies.


Solid Biohazardous Waste

Solid bio-hazardous waste consists of dishes, personal protective equipment, patient and medical staff dress and towels, containers, or any other non-sharp item that comes in direct contact with human or animal blood, tissues, or fluids.

This type of waste should be collected in a container specially designated for it using the biohazard symbol and a lid lined with an autoclave bag for disposal.


Liquid Biohazardous Waste

Liquid waste, as the name indicates, means waste containing blood or fluid and infected by microorganisms. According to experts, if the amount of liquid is more than 25 mls, it can be regarded as liquid bio-hazardous waste. Else, it can be placed together with solid bio-hazardous waste. This type of bio-hazardous waste should be collected in a leak-proof container. Moreover, it should be secure and must contain the bio-hazard label on it before final disposal.


Sharp Biohazardous Waste

Sharp bio-hazardous wastes are medical materials contaminated with infectious microorganisms and sharp enough to puncture the skin. It includes needles, scalpels, broken glass vials, etc. It is important to collect sharps in a container that is resistant to puncture and safe enough to be handled by staff members or waste disposal companies.


Pathological Hazardous Waste 

Pathological hazardous wastes are the organs and tissues exposed to infections and removed as part of surgeries. This waste type must be double-bagged and can be stored in secondary containers to prevent liquid waste from leaking out.

Medical Waste Recovery (MWR) is one of the best companies providing medical waste disposal in Michigan at affordable rates. For more details, contact us today.

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